I will begin tomorrow to gradually release a new Emperor X tour EP. I’ll post one song every day or so over the next week to coincide with the upcoming concerts in the northeastern United States.
The EP, entitled Suggested Improvements to Transportation Infrastructure in the Northeast Corridor, consists of six tracks, each corresponding to a concert in the associated city and addressing specific infrastructure features that locals might recognize.
These songs are not cold hyper-local policy recommendations They are free-associative meditations on cold hyper-local policy recommendations. Or something…I don’t know, it’s hard to describe the emotions triggered by transit policy and 30 years of public infrastructure memories.
Also, it’s all done on tape four-track, so it’ll probably sound to you more like The Joytakers’ Rakes/Stars on the Ceiling, Pleasantly Kneeling than anything I’ve done over the past few decades.
Here’s the release schedule:
1. “Friendship Heights Metro Station and Related Proposal for Alignment Adjustments to the Purple Line (for WMATA)”
Released on Feb. 28 at 10:00am Eastern via Bandcamp
Concert in D.C. on Mar. 22 at Pie Shop –> https://bit.ly/3DpUOiu
2. “An Objection to the Location of the Entrance to the Girard Ave. ACME (for SEPTA)”
Released on Mar. 8 at 10:00am Eastern via Bandcamp
Concert in Philadelphia on Mar. 23 at Ukie Club –> https://link.dice.fm/O43ddc06a27d
3. “We Demand Passaic/Bergen/Hudson Tri-County Rail Now! (for NJDOT)”
Released on Mar. 9 at 10:00am Eastern via Bandcamp
Concert in Paterson, NJ on Mar. 24 at Prototype 237 –> https://prototype237.ticketleap.com/emperorx/
4. “Shoegaze Hydroplane City USA (for CDOT)”
Released on Mar. 10 at 10:00am Eastern via Bandcamp
Concert in New Haven on Mar. 25 at The State House –> Eventbrite
5. “DMT/JMZ (for MTA)”
Released on Mar. 11 at 10:00am Eastern here via Bandcamp
Concert in Brooklyn on Mar. 26 at The Broadway –> https://bit.ly/3jngFQW
6. “Bullet Train to Worcester (for MBATA)”
Released on Mar. 12 at 10:00am Eastern here via Bandcamp
Concert in Boston on Mar. 27 at O’Brien’s –> https://bit.ly/3WVMu0L